Monday, March 22, 2010


Banksy is an artist for today. He understands that what you put in art could change the way people think about things.

Born in Bristol, UK, in 1974, Banksy refuses to share his real name with the mainstream media and hardly considers himself an artist. Most others around the world, however, would strongly disagree with that.

His art is urban-styled and located in urban areas around the world. His work is quite revolutionary because most of it seems to depict metaphors for things he finds wrong in modern politics; sides of it most of us fail to see.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Importance of Art

Art = Revolution; without it, we will be stuck in the same miserable, death-destined society we have been witnessing each day. It is through creation in every form of art that new ideas will come and keep us all from perishing. Whether it's music, painting, novels or film, or any other art form you could imagine, people put on their figurative or literal canvas an idea that came from their mind, and their mind only. THAT'S WHAT THIS BLOG IS ABOUT.

I will devote this blog entirely to the various pieces of different forms of art that have made some sort of impact or effect on me. I will also be posting various pieces of the many mediums I vent my ideas through, as well. It is my wish that all of you learn to see some sort of art in the things that surround us everyday.